"Thanks for being so organized and thorough."
"This course was well organized, precise in its purpose and effective in addressing the key issue of online classroom teaching. Thank you."
"I felt that the information I received was well worth the time. I really enjoyed the course."
"I think this is the wave of the future and this program prepares us quite well for it."
"This was an excellent course. Way to go!"
"Good overview of the skills necessary to be an effective online instructor. Although I have been at it for 13+ years, there is always more to learn.
Thank you."
"This course addressed several areas that have helped me to begin to formulate new approaches in the classroom. "
"Excellent information on learning styles and conflict management online. The facilitator had multiple discussion topics in the forum that added interest to the modules."
"Very informative and relevant to my work!"
"Very informative!! Gained a lot of knowledge helpful for present and future students!"
"This has been my favorite course to date. It provided thoughtful, key information to the online instructor WITHOUT jargon. And even though I have been teaching online for a long time, I found some quite illuminating parts such as the different types of learners and how to work with the problems they present."
"The course content was excellent and the discussion threads were extremely helpful in providing new ideas and detailed guidance from other experienced instructors. This course was very beneficial."
"This was a very informative class! I plan to use some of the suggestions in my future classes."
"Excellent course! I would strongly recommend this course to online newbie Instructors and as a refresher for those who have been teaching online for a long time."
"Great course! Thanks for the valuable information!"
"The class was clear and concise. It identified the challenges encountered in an online environment, and offered great suggestions for improvement."
"I enjoyed the course. It was all informative and useful. I am currently a clinical instructor but would like to teach online in the future. "
"This course was clear, concise and insightful. Everything that I have studied prior about conducting online courses was conducive to what was presented. This was a great course. I would suggest that anyone who looking to become an online instructor and/or learn more about the process itself should indeed take this course. Thank you!"
"This course had useful information on how to identify the online learners learning styles and disruptive behaviors, which I found very applicable to my courses."
"This course helped me have a better understanding of online teaching. I hope to use what I learned here when I have my online classes."
"This course explains the how-to and foundations of teaching online in a very clear and effective manner. It solidifies what I learned in my training and even brought a few new ideas that I will attempt to incorporate."
"This was a very interesting and highly informational course. I have taken too many online courses before, however, this one ranks above all others because it was rich in information and multi-faceted. The course almost explained every question that I had in mind before taking it. I recommend all of my peers and colleagues to take this online course as soon as possible in order to become familiar with all the necessary tools and aspects of an online course. This course will help the learning process, as well as the teaching techniques, of all faculty members without exception."
"This training has helped me to understand the value of the chat section of my course management system. I will also make sure to use email more often and intend to employ a Q&A section, as I didn't have one. Most all of this information will be used immediately. I am a new online instructor and this information was so helpful."
"I have learned much from this course. I myself took online courses during my Master's program. During this time, I had no idea what the instructor had to go through to assure each and every student was successful. Much is entailed in following up on each thread and assuring no student gets left behind causing attrition. Online instruction is the wave of our future and necessary as more non-traditional students have the opportunity to go back to school to fulfill their dreams."
"I really enjoyed this course. I think it brought insight into the differences we face today regarding online vs. traditional courses. I enjoyed learning about the different aspects that i will surely take into consideration."
"I highly recommend this course for a new Online Instructor. It explains the basics to the Online arena and the importance to being present for the students, keeping them engaged and open communication. Virtual education is a great platform for the working adult and giving clear expectations to the students is encouraging and leads to success and greater confidence in the overall performance. Many of the students are jugging work, families and studying thus the benefit of online education arena. A student can log into the course room when time permits around a time that is convenient. Thus, preparing a new Instructor to the online platform creates a win-win for both Instructor and student."
"I enjoyed learning about different facilitation techniques and interacting with students. I most appreciated the definitions of the different types of students. I found myself reflecting on the experiences I've had with peers in online courses. As an instructor I plan to employ the technique of requesting student biographies and sending personal welcome messages if possible."
"The Online Teaching Techniques course was very helpful! I will be applying some of the principles presented in the course to my traditional (hybrid) classroom-style courses that utilize an online CMS for course materials, discussion posts, etc.."
"Learning about online learners helped me to understand how to engaged different students with different learning styles. I now feel more confident in addressing behaviors among students online. "
"Overall, I did enjoy this course. I particularly like the examples given for dealing with conflicts in the course room. I have yet to deal with such behaviors in my online classes, but I am better prepared to deal with any such behaviors that may arise from having completed this course."
"Online Teaching Techniques is very helpful and beneficial to students or individuals who are working or who are parents. They have their own time and can go at their own pace. This is also a good way of improving teaching skills and strategies of teachers/professors. "
"The course was very informative and provided benchmarks for online teaching and learning!"
"I thought this course flowed from topic to topic very nicely and really highlighted on important topics of being a successful online instructor. Made me think about ways I can improve as an instructor. It made me excited as well to pursue online instructing."
"Good course with a logical presentation of the material. Provided good information to use in the future."
"This course was very helpful. I will be teaching online for the first time in a couple of weeks and this helped me choose some guidelines that should set me up for success."
"Great course! Easy to follow and provides excellent strategies for online teaching!"
"This will be my first time teaching an online course, and I am grateful to be offered this course. It was en-lighting and beneficial for a beginner. I will feel more prepared and not as intimidating. "
"This was very helpful for onboarding online material to students and increasing perspective to online learners."
"We greatly appreciate the design of this training in all aspects: peer-peer interaction, content, presentation, friendly version, and more. Thank you very much for the help. We DO appreciate it! "
"Great information as we are implementing on-line courses soon and will have a better understanding of course delivery and learning management."
"It has helped me to prepare for successful on-line teaching and has added more information to my knowledge base."
"This was a great course. It provided profound information that is significant to teaching online."
"I enjoyed the content of this module and found it very relevant to my role."
"The course was concise and hit on the important interactions with online students and the requirements in dealing with various learners' behaviors and learning strategies. The topics also related necessary strategies in managing online classes, particularly those related to organizational aspects."
"I really enjoyed the course. It was simple, well designed and easy to follow. I learned very many useful things that I did not know before. I learned very useful skills in course delivery, projecting presence, engaging students and managing an E-Learning environment.I was glad that that I had no time limitation which enabled me to go through the course methodically, summarize the content, understand everything clearly and feel that the time spent was worthwhile. This is a useful course for instructors.
"This was a good base to begin teaching online. I hadn't thought about conflict and really the types of learners, online. Of course, in my classroom I deal with this everyday. "
"I appreciated the opportunity for an online refresher course that would help me remember the key points and methods of using CMS."
"The website was user friendly. The lesson content was easy reading and appropriate for my needs. The self-paced learning was great for my work schedule. "
"I enjoyed this course and learned some good points. I look forward to applying these techniques in my online presentations."
"There were components here that I’ve never considered in terms of types of students. I can use this information for ALL kinds of courses. Thank you "
"As I am new to online instruction, I feel like this course provided me a good base to begin to get a better understanding on how to effectively deliver online course content. Thank you"
"This course was easy to follow and complete! The quizzes were on point and easy, also. I would recommend this course to ALL CTE teachers. It would surely help many understand online teaching and the CMS."
" Up to this point I have had zero experience teaching online. This course has afforded me the confidence, knowledge and wisdom to move forward.
With Gratitude!!!!"
"Enjoyed taking this module. It opened by eyes to e-learning especially since I am having to do all my teaching this way due to COVID-19. Thanks for the great tips."
"This has proven to be a rich source of useful information that I am confident will benefit both me and my students in this sudden transition from on-campus classes to online education.
Very Well Done."
"This information was relevant to what I am doing now and provided information I didn't even think about prior to the course especially about the personality traits from students you can even see in the online classroom."
"Thoroughly enjoyed the content, as it is relevant to becoming and being successful as an online instructor. I have never taught an online course, but this course provided information and strategies that I can use as I move forward. I especially like being able to complete the modules at my own pace. Thank you for affording me this opportunity."
"Taking this course is very convenient and helpful right now that we need to learn how to teach e-learning to our students."
"This course was eye opener to leaning new strategies to online learning. I was familiar with some of the topics and learned from new topics. "
"The course was well organized and got straight to the point. I think the quizzes were at appropriate intervals and the ability to retake the quizzes even if you received a passing grade helped to reinforce learning."
"This course has helped me and given me more confidence to venture to Distance Learning mode."
"I find this course for distance learning very informative and I can apply the techniques and strategies I learned as a first-time online instructor."
"This was very informative and I actually learned a lot of things I didn't know. It comes at a perfect time in our lives. Remote/Distance learning has been thrown at us very quickly, we should have known the importance of staying updated. I'm glad I have decided to take on the challenge and learning to help my students and myself. Thank you"
"I liked the course. It moved at an appropriate pace. I learned some good things about course structure and the types of learners."
"Excellent, helpful information about Distance Learning! Should have done this last week, before we began!"
"I was both reminded of and introduced to some great content in this class. I look forward to continuing this discussion with other members of my department. I will encourage them to take the course as well. Thank you!"
"My college has just started on-line study for our nursing students. This inservice was offered at a prime time for me to benefit from the information. Thank you very, very much. I am more confident that I can move from the traditional classroom to online program. "
"This course was very helpful to me as a new instructor who will be teaching onground but because of COVID 19 will be starting online. I learned the importance of our CMS - Blackboard and how effective it will be to me when interacting with students. I also learned a lot about identifying potential behaviors in online teaching as well as how to organize my files for student responses etc. Overall, felt this class came at a perfect time for me!"
"Excellent course. Learned lots,easy to navigate Like the character that pop ups.
Thank you"
"This course was engaging and appropriate. I am more of a traditional learner but I found the short sessions and modules to be helpful in an online learning format. The ability to somewhat self-pace was welcomed. The course was easy to use, and was not so tedious that I lost interest. This was a good experience for online learning. "
"Extremely useful and informative information was given. This will help me in my role as a CTE Distance Learning teacher."
"Awesome Course. Every instructor wanting to teach E-learn should take. Provides basic knowledge and skills needed to become an effective E-Learn Teacher. "
"Great course! I have learned several things that will help me a lot to do my work more efficiently. I read most of peers' posts and got valuable information to use in my profession.
Very interesting, enriching, and useful course. Thank you for the opportunity."
"This course gave me a detailed insight into the online learning platform. All that I know from on-ground teaching can be used, but in a different way. It was made very clear that discussion boards are an integral part in the student's learning. Recognizing struggling students is a must, whatever the reason. Managing some online behaviors is different from managing face to face, but can be done respectfully. This training has reminded me to keep records easily accessible through a filing system. I really like the IDP tool that is available. This was a great course for those having to move to online teaching. Thank you."
"As a novice online educator this has given me some great tools and information to take my students e-learning experience to the next level."
"This course is excellent for instructors teaching online courses. I learned a lot from the information provided and took lots of notes to use when needed.
Thank you!"
"This course enhanced my understanding of teaching online courses and to how to effectively engage all students using an online platform."
"This course really helped me understand what path I should follow during e-teaching. Everything was outlined very clearly. I thank to all who put effort into preparing this course to help us get through these hard days that we have to change our teaching habits."
"Great course! It helped me understand why students are not engaging in online learning particularly at the secondary education level amidst COVID-19. This course should be a requirement for all undergraduate-level teacher education students. Wow, so must knowledge and research packed into a 4 hour course."
"As a newer teacher, I appreciate the opportunity to get some quality PD training, especially as it looks like the transition to online learning is here to stay. The material was well presented and professional looking, and the information was up-to-date and extremely helpful."
"Highly recommended to all instructors doing teaching on-line. Well concise and formatted in easy understanding of the materials presented."
"This course provided great information for developing an online learning environment. However, as an elementary school instructor, many topics would require a different approach."
"I love the well written content and ease of learning. Most of all I loved the voice that could read to me because my eyes are very tired after work. Thank you!"
"The course was very informative and proved a lot of key points on identifying student behavior and interaction qualities."
"I love this opportunity, but I noticed that the master key was suppose to be operational through Sept. 30, 2020 for EL102. When trying to enter for the first time for some other participants, it had already expired."
"This was a excellent course, I learned an important concepts, factors, and methods to improve my instructor skills to online courses. Thank you very much"
"I found this course to be beneficial. Thank you for creating and providing this module."
"I particularly like the section on Managing the E-Learning Environment. There were very valid points brought up that I didn't really think of before. The ways of organizing the data and dealing with students that cause conflict were the most valuable to me."
"I certainly enjoyed all the information. It's truly great to see that many of the questions and concerns that I have as an instructor were covered. Many times, I hate to admit, we are scared to maybe think
, what others may be doing. I feel much better, because many of the questions I've been thinking of were indeed covered. What I found very interesting is the type of student we may get in our classes, I must say it's always a variety of people, personalities, and work ethic."
"This course helped a great deal in providing ideas and guidance on how to teach the students remotely. I have not taught an online course yet, but this course prepared me with the tools needed if I am called to teach an online course.
"Great course allow me to see the importance of aligning the first day and having all preparation ready for your students."
"Before this course, I thought I knew everything about what is needed for me to become a good online instructor, but I was wrong. Thanks to MaxKnowledge's online training I have acquired more information to and knowledge to help me with my online students."
"I appreciate the practical learning aspects of this course. I feel that I can effectively set up an engaging and interactive online course for this spring which was my objective when I began this course. I appreciate the advice on how to set up storage of student submissions. The content was exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you! "
"The course is eye opening. There are things that we take for granted as instructors which are very important and this course focused on most of those aspects. This is a very good course."
"I liked the course and found it useful. I'd recommend it to anyone doing online teaching. I'm glad I took it."
"Thank you or offering this course. As an e-learning instructor, this course provides me great information on how I can continue improving my courses for my students."
"This course was extremely informative. I learned a great deal in a very short period of time. I admit that there are definite challenges moving from the classroom to the online environment. I've learned stategies that will assist me in the future."
"I liked that the course modules were relatively short and concise. I was able to keep focus and complete the modules. I felt that the material was very relevant to my role as an online instructor and hope to be able to apply it. "
"This is a good course, and very much applies to our work. Thank you for opportunity to take this course. "
"Great opportunity to engage and find diverse approach to e-learning. Thank you"
"I love this training because it is helping me to be more efficient with online terms and teaching tools."
"Wonderful insight on how to handle our new on line students!"
"I feel like the course provided good information on how to effectively help students with different personalities."
"Excellent Course to continue to guide you to greatness to consistently provide the best education for our college students!!!!!"
"This course was very helpful in understanding students behavior in an online course and some of it relates to the classroom as well. An online course can be very difficult for some students especially the quiet ones. Your advice for all student participation is very helpful. Thanks "
"A good online course with lots of advice and information that should help me improve my ability to effectively teach courses online. Thanks"
"Very informative and loved the tips to help students be successful. "
"Overall I was very happy with the take aways from this course and will be implementing them in my own teaching style for online learning. "
"This course allowed participants to comment and share their experiences. I found some interesting comments that helped me to consider making changes in my online courses."
"This course was helpful with all the information put together."
"Every bit of information I get is information I can take and use towards the success of becoming a nursing instructor. Thank you."
"This course gives insight on how to manage an online course "
"I think a lot of good insight and suggestions were given to engage e-learners with different personalities. I also think the course content matched the quiz questions."
"This course is very informational. I enjoyed the course. It has a lot of insights about online learning. Will recommend to others. "
"I have got everything I was expected before taking this course. it's an advantage that I could listen the contest of the lessons reding selected parts only.
Thank you"
"A very exceptional course that provided important educator tools to assist in successfully facilitating online learning. The course generated a level of high learning engagement on my part. Highly recommended course. "
"I always try to walk away from each learning activity with something new. I picked up some valuable tips here."
"Thank you! this course helped me to refelct on my practice and to make plans for imporvements."
"I enjoyed this course and it propelled me to continue my preparation to online teaching."
"Enjoyed the course & review. Hope to engage in peer support & forums in future."
"As a mandatory training- this still had a worthwhile content and information about online instruction. thank you."
"I really enjoyed the course. I was excited to see that the course started with information of how long it would take to complete the course. I enjoyed the information presented and felt that it applied to me as well as all instructors as I can use this on-line and on-site in the classroom. The material was interesting and the blocks that were presented were interesting and broke material down. I thoroughly enjoyed this course. "
"The content of the courses was very important for the faculty to teach the classes and to train the professor to learn different strategies. "
"Great course. Very well organized and informative as well."
"I have been teaching online for three years and have joined a second college. I TRULY wish my first job had requested we complete this training as well. EXCELLENT course. "
"Having just completed my fourth term of online teaching, I wish that I'd had this course back at the beginning of that transition. My courses have been very successful but there are areas that could have been improved with application of the information in this course. This has been one of the more worthwhile investments in time of the multitude of trainings my latest on-boarding experience is burdening me with."
"This was a very interesting and useful course and I enjoyed the learning."
"I have taught online before and this was an excellent tool to remind me of the importance of being present in an online course. It was a great refresher course and I think it is excellent for teachers that have never taught online previously. "
"I believe this course accurately covers many of the items needed to be discussed in instructing an online course. I believe this course should be mandatory for instructors to have to take. I appreciate the different types of students that were described in the scenarios-this really helps a lot as I am sure these types of students will be ones that I will encounter as an instructor."
"I liked the course a lot.
It contributes to my professional preparation to take on online classroom experiences.
Thank you"
I really liked the course, it is concise and precise, ideal for the tools I was looking to strengthen."
"The course was great it helped me gain a better connection with my students, how to handle my more problematic students, how to make my presence while not dominating the conversation, and making sure I know what to reply to right away and later on and how to organize my students assignments."
"I learned a lot regarding teaching online courses. It was all new information to me!"
"It is an exellent and very practical course that provides many elements to online training"
"Enjoyed the information presented and will be able to incorporate it into my daily routine to improve my process."
"I definitely was engaged with the course and material. The site is user friendly, clear and concise. I really enjoyed the whole learning experience. "
"As a new instructor this course provided me an excellent understanding of online teaching that will be valuable as I move forward in my career. The structure is straightforward and engaging. "
"I like the course, it was straight to the point. The test questions were directly from the information. I understood it. I like that it was self paced."
"I'd say the BEST Asynchronous Professional Development I have ever had. "
"The course was well-structured, relevant, and supportive, with clear objectives and valuable peer interactions. Adding more interactive elements or case studies could further improve engagement.
Thank you
" Appreciate this Online Continuing Education Platform that provides Instructors the opportunity to continue in learning how to teach.
Thank you,"
"I loved the ability to listen to the lessons with my headphones. It kept me engaged"
"Loved the course & learned a few tricks!"
"This course was great and I really enjoyed the information. It was very detailed and gave insight."